Just a few pictures to show how big T is getting! She is crawling like a pro & she can now pull herself up! She LOVES pulling up & is just as proud as we are:) She stayed with my mom for a week while we were in Mexico for my sister's wedding (which was BEAUTIFUL!) I did better than i thought i would...once i got there. My mom said she did great! I think she slept better over there than she does at home;) It was crazy to see how much she changed in just the 1 week we were away from her. She's even starting to throw little fits, especially when she doesn't want to be held, you know, the crying w/out tears kind...YAY! :) It's hard to believe she's going to be a year old in a little over 2 months! We've even started thinking about her party! It's most likely going to be Halloween themed...or the Golden Girls, which seems to be her favorite show! HA:-) (She takes after me & her great-grandma Evelyn on that one!) I'll keep ya posted:)

Petting my mom & Russ's dog Lola:)

Standing up & grabbing for anything w/in reach.

Standing up & proud !

Such a big girl!

Sweet little spaghetti face:)

My blue-eyed girl...with incredibly long eyelashes!

At the doc's for her 9 month check up. (19lbs. 1 oz., 27 1/4")

(I had to add a pic of the wedding!) My sister Niki & new brother-in-law Adam!!!!
Congratulations again guys, we couldn't be happier for you two!!!!!!!!!!!
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