(And so did I:)
Sitting in her big girl chair on Christmas morning. (The date was wrong on my camera)
In her pretty Christmas dress ready to go to Yia Yia & Poppy's.
Sitting with her cousin Chaney. Such pretty little girls!
My favorite! Giving Chaney a kiss:)
The girls with their Yia Yia.
Kissing her Clydesdale.
The girls chatting about all of their awesome presents:)
Riding on her rocking horse from Grandma & Grandpa Campbell
Opening presents at Gram & Grandpa Travis's.
Running into Grandpa Travis's leg with her car & laughing hysterically.
Playing with Gram.
My little snow princess! (Ruby is my little snow princess too;)
Fun stuff! :)
In the backyard sitting on our huge rock.
**We wish everyone a very safe & happy New Year!!**