Well, first of all, i know i'm not very good at keeping up with this blog and i apologize (sorry Brandi & Niki:-) See, i usually take a whole bunch of pics first and then put them all on the comp. so it might be a while in between posts. I will try to work on that though:-)
Second of all, i just want to say congratulations to my sister Niki on her engagement!!! I think Adam is a great guy and i'm extremely happy for both of them!!!! I also want to congratulate my brother Pat and my sister-in-law Megan again on their awesome news that they're going to have a baby this spring/summer!!! Tanner can't wait for her new cousin!! 2008 has sure been an incredible year!!
Now on to Tanner! She had her 2 month check-up yesterday and is doing great! She weighs 11lbs., 12oz. & is 21 1/2" long (tall:-) The doc said she is right on track. He did switch her formula to Enfamil Gentlease which seems to help her tummy quite a bit. She was really inconsistent when she ate, sometimes taking only 2 oz., sometimes 4, every once in a while 5 oz. I think it was really bothering her tummy because since she's been on the Gentlease she's eaten 5 oz. every time and it's been alot easier to burp her. She doesn't seem as fussy either.
She has been smiling alot lately and laughing which is the greatest sound in the world!! She has the sweetest smile, i have a feeling that smile is going to get her alot in the next few years:-)
My mom and i took her to Sears yesterday to get her Christmas pics done. I think they turned out really well. She got pretty cranky in the middle & we had to wait until we could calm her down before we could finish. At times it was tough to get her to smile but overall it went really well. Then after that she had to go to the doc and get 3 shots!! Needless to say she DID NOT like that at all:-( On a good note though, after that busy day she had she slept through the night! 9 hours!! I did get up twice though, to check on her because i was getting pretty uncomfortable because she hadn't gotten up to eat yet. Typical mommy worry:-)
I've got to say these past 2 months have been the most incredible of my life and i can't even remember what life was like without her!!
We want to wish everyone a VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!